We went on a nature scavenger hunt with Mrs. Benoit's class yesterday. We walked the Allen Brook Discovery Trail by our school. The students acted like scientists and had to use their senses while they were trying to find things in nature together. Enjoy the pictures.
Welcome to Mrs. McCormack's 1st grade class blog where we post updates and pictures of our learning. Please see the sidebar for links to our other web-sites.
Friday, September 25, 2015
Weekly Update
We are very lucky with the warm, sunny weather we still have here in Vermont. I hope you had a chance to enjoy it on Wednesday, when we did not have school. I took the opportunity to do some yard work. It seems like the weeds are still happily growing, unaware that fall has arrived:)
Our Learning:
Reader's Workshop: We continued our author study of Mo Willems this week. While reading and discussing his Pigeon books, the children also learned about some new reading responses to the books we read. We discussed how good readers actively engage with the books and think about the story. Reading, really, is thinking. In other words, reading must make sense. If it does not, we need to figure out how to help ourselves make sense of what we read. This week, we discussed what readers can do to keep track of where they are in the text and how re-reading can help us better understand the plot. Please see some of our reading responses to the pigeon books inside your child's Friday folder.
Writer's Workshop: This week was very busy in our writing classes. The children finished their science writing about our first 4 Winds class last week. They learned how labels and clear pictures add to the overall understanding of the writing piece. We also continued exploring the different types of writing that authors do by writing letters. The students learned what writing components are part of a letter. They practiced addressing a specific person, and they were encouraged to tell something about their day, and end the letter by asking a question.
Science: Our science is in full swing already. This week, the students went on a Nature Scavenger Hunt with Ms. Benoit's class. We walked the Allen Brook Discovery Trail by the school. If you have not walked this trail, we can recommend it. It is a nice walk and while we were busy acting like scientists and following a nature scavenger hunt, the trail has terrific information about schools that once were located and operating here in Williston. The students at ABS conducted the research a few years ago. We will return to explore this trail again, learning about the history of Williston.
Math: First grade mathematicians worked diligently in class all week. It is a terrific group of children and they love learning about numbers. This week, we learned about numbers to 20 using the rekenrek and the open number line. Thanks for helping your child with his/her homework at home.
Upcoming Events and Reminders:
I don't think I mentioned this, but Friday Folders will not necessarily come home every week. If we do not have anything to take home that week, I will not send home empty folders.
We will start our Vermont Farming unit next week. The children will rotate through a series of workshops between the teachers on harmony while learning more about Vermont farming.
Parent-teacher conferences are right around the corner. I sent out a google doc to your school-listed email address so you can sign up for a slot that works for you and your family. We will begin conferences on Monday, October 5th. Thank you for signing up! I am excited to share about your child's day here at school and all about the learning we do together. I hope you can bring your child along as well. It is a wonderful opportunity for us all to talk about school together. Thank you.
Have a great weekend!
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
We used iPods in reader's workshop. We celebrated that we filled our class buzzy jar while also learning that good readers think about what they are reading and often respond to the text in one way or another. We practiced that by responding to the book Don't let the pigeon drive the bus by Mo Willems using traditional writing but also using technology. Some kids used foodstuffs on the iPods to draw pigeon and some kids practiced spelling.
Monday, September 21, 2015
School-wide celebration
We filled the school bee hive for the first time this year and celebrated together. We went outside and tried to create a human circle around our school by holding hands. We almost made it around. Then, we went to the court-yard to sing together.
Friday, September 18, 2015
Weekly Update
We had great turn out for our Curriculum Night here at ABS. Thank you all for coming. We hope it was informative. For those of you who were unable to attend, I want you to know that I share all the information in these weekly blog posts so if you keep up on these weekly updates, you will not miss anything! Information regarding our curriculum is linked on my web-site and also on the harmony web-site under "Parent resources." You can get information about our math program Bridges there as well as information about Fundations and many other curricular programs used here. Let me know if you have any specific questions. Thank you!
Our Learning:
Science: We launched science this week. You might have already seen some of the notes and pictures posted yesterday about our first 4 Winds class of the year. In addition to 4 Winds, the students created their own "scientist puppets." They listened to a book called "What is science?" and were encouraged to think about what scientists do and how we ourselves can "act" like scientists in our classes together. They talked to their friends and together, we brainstormed ideas. They decided that scientists use their senses to describe things around them and they also decided that scientists test and carefully observe things around them. We will continue science next week with a Nature Scavenger Hunt as well as some explorations which allow us to use our senses to describe a series of objects. Stay tuned!
Math: All Harmony students had their first math homework this week. Thank you for supporting your child at home so this can successfully be completed. Please know that if your child struggles with his/her homework, we would like for your child to bring it in to his/her math teacher so we can address it together and revisit concepts and practice some more, if needed. Math homework should not be a struggle. If it is (or becomes), please let us know. Thank you!
Reading The students continued to explore how good readers choose books. They learned that good readers sometimes choose books based upon topics they are interested in but sometimes good readers like to read in a series or stay with an author. Together as a class, we are doing the latter. We just began our first author study. We will do many throughout the year. We are currently studying Mo Willems, the author and illustrator of the Knufflebunny and "Pigeon" books. Throughout this study, the children will learn various reading response strategies, such as making personal connections. They will also learn more about the author's craft, ie how the author uses the words/pictures to convey meaning. Lastly, we will also explore different comprehension strategies, such as character traits and plot.
This week, the students also had a substitute teacher twice because I administered our beginning of the year reading assessments. We do the Benchmark Assessment System by Pountas & Pinnell. I will share the results with you shortly when we meet for conferences. If you have any pressing concerns or questions, please contact me earlier of course and I will find a time for us to meet. For now, supporting your child to read every night is the best you can do for our future learning. We hope to establish good study habits and we hope that our young learners develop stamiona to read for longer periods of time. Thank you!
Writing: The students are currently exploring different types of writing. They are learning how to come up with new ideas for new writing pieces. They are also learning how, and why it is important, to add to our words and pictures before we start a new writing piece. Next week, we will continue by adding some writing about science, some letters before we close with the publishing process. Once we have published our first piece and met with our editing partners, we will begin our unit on Small Moment writing. Stay tuned!
Upcoming Events and Reminders:
We have no school on Wednesday, September 23rd due to Yom Kippur celebrations.
We will have Parent Teacher Conferences on/and around October 9th, which is a day off for students. I will send out a conference sign up sheet soon. In the past, we have signed up online so look for it in your email. Thanks.
We are in need of empty cans, nuts, bolts and metal washers for our classroom if you would like to donate. We make robots with these materials, using small magnets. If you can donate some, please make sure the materials are clean and not rusty as little hands will manipulate them. Please make sure also that the cans are already empty with no sharp edges. I prefer the cans that have the "pull-up lid", not the one you need a can opener for because those tend to leave a sharp edge. Thank you so supporting our learning.
Have a great weekend.
Thursday, September 17, 2015
4 winds
We had our first 4 winds class today. We learned about spiders. We acted like scientists and used our senses to describe what they looked like as we carefully observed them with magnifying glasses. We also learned about their body parts using felt pieces and went outside to look for them in their natural habitat. Enjoy the pictures.
Our classroom contract
We created our classroom contract this week. We discussed rules and expectations and worked together to create this contract. all the students signed it. We are very proud of our work and commitment to "bee-ing" safe, kind, and responsible.
Friday, September 11, 2015
Weekly Update
Time flies. We had another terrific week together with a wonderful field-trip to Shelburne Farms. I hope you get a chance to scroll down to see some of the pictures we posted. Thank you parents for volunteering your time and for joining us.Since we did not come to school on Monday, we never had a chance to visit the library to exchange our books. We are going back this upcoming Monday, so please leave your child's book inside their backpacks if they are already packed! Thanks for your patience.
Upcoming Events & Reminders:
We have Picture Day on Tuesday, September 15th. Please return your child's photo packet if you are interested in having additional pictures for your home. Thank you.
We have our school-wide Curriculum Night on Wednesday, September 16th at 6:30pm. Please join us in the Harmony Kiva to learn more about the units of study and the curriculum. This event is geared towards parents and not particularly suited for our young learners. Thank you.
Please return your child's blue emergency form to the front office as soon as possible if you have not. It is of the utmost importance that our school and our nurse have your contact information in case we need to reach you in an emergency. Thanks for your understanding and compliance.
We will start homework next week. On Monday, your child will come home with his/her red homework folder, which contains our reading logs. First graders will not have any math homework next week. Second grade mathematicians will need to check in with Ms. Crowley on Monday. If there is math homework, it will be packed inside the homework folder, so it is safe to assume, that if it is not there, there is no homework. Your child is expected to read for approximately 20 minutes every night. Your child will bring home books inside his/her book bag on Monday as well. Your child can read these books for homework, but it is also fine if your child has books at home that he/she is reading as well. In the beginning of the school year, the student's learn what a "just right" book is so as long as the book is a book that your child can read himself/herself, it does not matter to the teachers on Harmony what is entered into the reading log. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.
We will also start Fundations next week. Fundations is the program we use for spelling. I will teach second grade spelling and Ms. Crowley and Ms. Benoit will teach first grade spelling. Our spelling groups are fluid and they will change as the year progresses. We try to be responsive in our instruction and will frequently move kids to new groups as needs arise. We also hope to create groups with our para, Ms. Caitlin, for starters. Stay tuned for more information on spelling. We do not send home spelling homework at ABS. However, I have created a "Word Study" page on the wiki to support parents and students who are interested in some additional practice. I have linked spelling words and sight word lists for first and second grade there. You can look at these online and you can print them at home, if you like. Let me know if you need assistance with this, or if you have any questions.
I hope you have a great weekend!
Kids sharing
We had another kiva share today. This week, our friends shared their writing about our field trip to Shelburne Farms. Great job
Getting to know each other
We spend a lot of time building a community of respectful learners in the first few weeks of school, following principles from Responsive Classroom models. This week, the children received their "warm buddies", pompoms made out of yarn, which we use for various greetings during our morning meeting time. Ask your child to explain how we do this greeting.
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Shelburne farms
Our field trip was a huge success. The children participated in various workshops learning about Vermont farming, while making a pizza. Ask your child to explain how we did this. We also had the opportunity to visit the garden to sample tomatoes and berries.
Friday, September 4, 2015
Weekly Update
I am so proud of this group of kids! We had another fantastic week together. They work so well together-it's like they have been together for many, many years. They are also quickly getting used to our new routine together. They are kind, respectful listeners and friends. We are slowly building a new community of learners together and through guided discovery, the children learn more and more about our classroom, our routines and procedures. I hope you are all checking out our daily blog posts! It's like twitter on the blog...., so much fun to share pictures. Many children tell me they check the blog at home. Thank you for supporting our digital learning and providing opportunities for me to link the classroom with your home.
We are going to Shelburne Farms on Wednesday, September 9th. This is a whole day trip. The bus will leave ABS at 8:30am and return around 2pm, in time for regular dismissal. If you are joining us, please note that our bus is close to full capacity. We are asking parents to drive there, rather than riding the bus with us. If you are able to drive, but already indicated you would like to ride along with us, please let me know if you are willing and able to switch. We want to make sure we can fit all the children on the bus.
We will do many learning activities outside at Shelburne Farms, so please check the weather and dress accordingly. Right now, it looks as if next week will be hot and sunny as well, so please bring extra water. All children need to wear sneakers as we will be outside. The children also need to bring a nut-free snack as well as a packed nut-free lunch. If your child would like a bagged lunch from school (the equivalent to a regular hot lunch at ABS), your child can choose between a ham or a turkey sandwich. Please email me with your preference. Thank you!
Library books are due on Mondays! I hope your child enjoyed his/her choices this week. We will bring home two new books next week.
This week's Friday Folder contained information about art smocks and the upcoming ABS Picture Day among other things. Please return your choice of pictures as soon as possible. Thank you!
Our learning this week:
We started math class this week on Harmony. If you scroll down on this blog, you will learn more about first grade math learning and activities this week. All second graders have math with Ms. Crowley and all first graders in my class stay with me for math. Mrs. Benoit also keeps her first graders for math, which means that Ms. Crowley's first graders are divided between the two latter classrooms. Math homework will not come home next week for first grade.
We started partner reading this week as well. Please scroll down for information and pictures on partner reading.
Have a great long holiday weekend. Remember, no school on Monday as it is Labor Day. See you all on Tuesday!
Partner reading
Today, we started partner reading. Partner reading is a time when we choose books from our special partner reading library in our classroom and read books out loud to a friend. Since we read out loud, we can focus on fluency, intonation and general tone of voice. We have a great variety of books so the children also have an opportunity to explore different genres and interests. As the year progresses our partners change and our reading tasks and responses also change.
Thursday, September 3, 2015
Getting to know each other
We are spending time getting to know each other on team Harmony. We have played "friend bingo games", scavenger games and participated in different get-to-know you greetings. Here are some pictures from our outdoor games, activities and recess.
First grade math
First grade mathematicians in my class and in Mrs. Benoit's class enjoyed ice pops today. We are learning to count by twos and our ice pops were twin pops. Ask your child to tell you about our paper ice pop graph in class and how we came up with different strategies to figure out how many popsicle sticks we had in total.
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Reading buddies
We had our first reading buddies with Ma. Davidson's class today. We meet with her Kindergarten class every week to read books.
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
We had our first math class yesterday. First graders stay with me for math and they are joined by some first graders from Ms Crowley's class. Second graders have math with Ms Crowley. Math homework will not be sent home for at least another week or two.
We had our first library class yesterday. Please look for your child's books in his/her backpack. Every week we select two books to take home. Library books are due back the following Monday.
Family Newsletter
Dear Families, Here is our week in review: Social-Emotional Learning : This week, the students learned about how they can use their assertiv...
We had another terrific math class today in our busy first grade math classroom. The students continued to familiarize themselves with our ...
Dear Families, We had a great week together at ABS. A highlight this week was visiting the Book Fair! Thank you parents for talking to y...
Dear Families, We’re in the home stretch now! It is hard to believe that we only have another week of school before summer vacation. Thi...