Friday, January 19, 2018

Family Newsletter

Dear Families,
This week went by so fast!  The children had a nice week with our new intern Ms. Jess.  She subbed for me twice when I was doing various assessments and the children did so well in the class with her.  They were so respectful and kind.  They are the best!  I am so proud of them.

Speaking of assessments; report cards go home next Friday.  They will be inside an envelope inside your child's backpack.  Please take the time to read these carefully with your child and celebrate all the learning that is taking place at school!  As always, let me know if you have any questions.

We started reading non-fiction books in our guided reading groups this week.  All the children received new "just right" books and started paying attention to the non-fiction text features found inside such books most often.  This week, your child learned more about tables of contents, the importance of photographs and bold print.  Look for some of the scavenger hunts and activities we did in class inside your child's Friday folder.

We started our animal report unit this week as well.  The children all chose a Vermont animal to research.  Their first writing task was to convince me why they should be able to study their chosen animal.  Their opinions and persuasive writing skills are amazing!  I cannot wait to share these with you all!
The students also received their new non-fiction writing folders and their new research booklets.  They entered all their chapter headings inside their new table of contents as well.  Next week, we will start chapter one; the description of the animal.  Initially, the children will learn how to use their own words in their writing to create a clear picture of their animal.  Later, they will ;earn how to read for information and find specific information about their animal to add to their chapter.

First grade mathematicians continued work on basic number sense this week in activities related to counting by 10s, counting forwards and backwards and comparing two numbers.  They practiced using the terminology "greater than", "less than" or "equal to" when comparing these numbers.  They also continued work on problem solving, showing their mathematical understanding in numbers, equations and mathematical representations.  All first grade students also completed our yearly district-wide math assessments.

We are now fully implementing technology throughout our day.  Some students take out chromebooks in the morning to read, code or do math.  Every Monday and Thursday, half of the class uses chromebooks in literacy to listen to books online and then respond in writing in the classroom.  They are doing great.  Some kids, however, are in need of their own head=phones.  I have extras in the classroom that they can use, but I just wanted to let you know in case you did not know about this need because it is more sanitary to have your own head-phones than sharing on house.  Thank you!

Upcoming Events & Reminders:

  • Report Cards go home on Friday, 1/26
  • Harmony House has a field-trip to the Flynn Theater on 2/9.  We will have an early lunch and will leave ABS at 11:45.  Please sign the permission slip (which went home today in your child's folder) and return as soon as possible.  Please don't forget to indicate which packed lunch your child wants, if any.  Thank you.
  • ABS will go to WCS on 2/7 for the WCS Chorus concert.  This is an afternoon show so we will dismiss from WCS.  If you need to pick up your child on that date, please meet up at WCS.  All other children will board their normal buses (and Part 2 kids will return to ABS).

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Family Newsletter

Happy New Year and Welcome back to school!
We had a very short week with our snow day on Friday but it was great to see everyone again.  It was wonderful to hear about all the fun activities the children had done over vacation and it sounded like most of us spent a lot of time inside!  It has been so cold....we look forward to warmer weather so we can enjoy the snow outside.  Next week looks better so please make sure your child comes to school with snow-pants and boots because we hope to enjoy outdoor recess every day:)

Ms. Jess, our intern from St. Michael's College, started with us on Wednesday.  She will be with us every day until mid-April.  As part of her training to become a teacher, she will slowly increase her responsibilities in our classroom.  Eventually, she will complete a "solo-week" when she practices planning the lessons and all the instruction.  I will be supporting her and the students during this time.  Ms. Jess's solo week will not happen until late March, or early April.  More information will follow.  We are so excited to have her with us.  Please stop by and say hello if you did not get a chance to meet her last week, or during our Holiday Family Breakfast in late November.

Reading groups will resume next week.  We are slowly shifting our reading instruction to non-fiction books both during our whole class literacy blocks and our small group guided reading times.  The students will learn more about the literary elements of non-fiction books and how to find evidence to back up our thinking and understanding of various topics.   Hopefully, your child will pack some non-fiction books to take home for reading homework so he/she can share some of our learning at school.  Stay tuned for more information.

The students will also shift focus in writing.  The students will learn how to write reports, complete with true facts and backed up by research from various books, magazines and online resources.  For example, we will use pebblego as a resource.  I was thrilled to hear how many students used pebblego over vacation!  Thank you parents for supporting our literacy development at home!
Every year, the students on Harmony show their understanding of non-fiction features and writing through an animal writing assignment.  This year, we are studying Vermont animals.  More information will follow.

We are wrapping up our science unit on Light and Sound this week.  This past week, the students explored shadows and we made different puppets to learn how we can make shadows bigger and smaller using flashlights.

First grade mathematicians continued working on strategies for solving addition and subtraction equations.  They also continued working on telling time to the hour.  Next week, we will learn about telling time to the half hour, both on an analog clock and on a digital clock.  We will also work on graphing and story-problems.
To learn how to tell time to the hour, the students learned a dance and a new song.  Here is the link and some pictures (I also linked it on our math wiki)

School Celebration:
The students at ABS filled the Bee Hive again.  We will celebrate with a Mis-Match Day on Wednesday, January 10th.  Please come to school with mis-matched patterns, socks, clothes!!


Family Newsletter

Dear Families, Here is our week in review: Social-Emotional Learning : This week, the students learned about how they can use their assertiv...