The weather is getting cooler out there. Fall has definitely arrived! Remember, we have outdoor recess everyday so please make sure your child comes to school with a long-sleeved sweater or hoodie for the cooler temperatures. Thank you.
Speaking of fall; our wonderful UVM Intern Ms. Cristina, led a lesson earlier this week. She read the book "Johnny Appleseed" by Steven Kellogg and discussed the different story elements in this book as well as how this book is an example of a tall tale. Next week, the students will complete a writing activity to show their understanding of these concepts. We look forward to another lesson, Ms. Cristina!
We had another guest reader read a book in our classroom last week. Ms. Filion joined our room. She read the book "The Energy Bus" by Jon Bordon.

The students listened intently to the book and learned about the importance of having positive thoughts and positive energy in your life. As a follow-up activity, the students created their own "license plates" and added pictures of things that bring happiness to their own lives. We placed our license plates inside our scrapbooks, so we can refer to them any time if we need to remind ourselves of positive, kind energy. Thank you Ms. Filion for taking the time to read to us.
The students continued practicing writer's workshop expectations and adding details to their words in writing. This week, the learned how to add interesting details by focusing on who was present when the story was taking place, where it happened, what happened and when it happened. We have a poster as a public record to remind ourselves of these possible ways to add more details to our stories as we continue to build writing stamina and independence.
We continued practicing scientific inquiry skills by interacting with Mystery Doug on Mystery Science. We practiced turning and talking with our partners and focusing our observations on real evidence and fact instead of subjective observations.
We also had our first 4 Winds class. We learned about insects and bugs. We learned that there are many similarities but also some very important differences between the two groups. Ask your child to explain. Thank you parents for providing these learning opportunities for our budding scientists!
Toys and Distractions:
We have noticed on Harmony that many children come to school with toys. They have their toys in their backpacks but cannot help but taking them out at various times during the day to share, trade or give away. Please help us help your child stay focused on learning here at school by making sure these toys do not even enter your child's backpack. Perhaps a daily check is required as many children find times to put them in there without their parents knowledge (I know from my own experience with my own 4 children...their creativity in this regard was outstanding!). Toys are easily lost and it is tremendously disappointing to a young child when that happens. It is also quite upsetting if toys have to be taken away because they interfere with math, writing or reading. Please discuss this with your child at home and refrain from packing any toys at all. We discussed this on house and many children stated they only play with the toys on the bus. The teachers on Harmony are hoping books will be a better entertainment solution for the bus drive.
The students successfully logged onto our classroom digital portfolio SeeSaw last week. This week, we will post our "Hopes & Dreams" for this school year and share the access to this online portfolio with you all. More information regarding SeeSaw will follow so please stay tuned and updated on our weekly posts!
We primarily use chromebooks when we access technology here at school. Any additional practice your child can have at home with using a keyboard, a track pad and learning how to spell his/her full first and last name helps in this regard. Thank you!
Lastly, thank you to those who already signed up for parent teacher conferences. They are coming up soon. Time flies! Let me know if the times provided do not work for you and your family. We will find another slot for you:)
Enjoy this beautiful fall day!!