Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Our Last Weekly Update for this school year

Dear Families,
I cannot believe that this is my last weekly update this academic school year. This year went by in a flash! Our last school day is Friday, and it is a half day, with dismissal at 11:35am. School starts again for students on August 31st.
We have had many special activities this week. Today, for example we had a special Team-wide gathering in our garden and had the chance to eat some bread that was made from our school clay oven. Ms. Tatlock and Ms. Sumner also put on a puppet show for us. We had a great time, spending time together outside in the sun. I hope you will scroll down on this blog to see some published pictures from this event.
This week,Kindergartners and 1st grade students also had "Step Up Day." On Tuesday, current Kindergarteners who will be joining us in the fall as 1st graders, visited our class and spend some time with us. It was great to welcome our new friends. We did a quick greeting to get to know each other, read the book "It's okay to be different" by Todd Parr, and created a puppet which represents each child, which will hang inside our classroom next year. Pictures of this special gathering will follow shortly.
Tomorrow is our team-wide pizza party. We will provide the pizza but we are asking that the students bring in a drink for the lunch. We will also have regular snack so please don't forget to pack a snack for your child. If your child wishes to eat something else, please feel free to pack a regular lunch, but remember that it must be peanut-free as we will all be eating together.
I hope you have all had a chance to carefully go through your child's writing pieces, math books and assorted school folders this week as we started to send things home to you. They have worked very hard all year long and created quite the collection of stories, journal entries and pictures. I am very proud of their progress, hard work and collaboration. It is a terrific group of children!
I am excited to announce a new technological collaboration for next year. Ms. Davison's Kindergarten class and my class will collaborate around blogging and we will start this summer. All returning 1st graders (and new students for next year) are encouraged to visit our newly created Summer Reading Blog (Click here to access directly, link is the the right sidebar of blog as well). On this blog, we hope that students will share their thoughts and ideas about the books they read over the summer. They can post, write comments on friends' posts and even visit Ms. Davison's reading blog.
For all students, KidBlog will remain open and active for all students-all summer and even next year as many students have indicated that they wish to stay in touch through blogging. WOW, can you belive this group of kids-they have discovered that blogging is a very effective means of communication in the 21st century! I am so proud of them and look forward to reading many new posts.
Lastly, all students will receive a digital scrapbook of our learning together this year. The link is here, and the address is our digital portfolio This address will be removed from the classroom blog before the start of the new school year, so you might want to create a short-cut to it on your own computer, jot down the url so you won't forget it, or link it to your own blog or web-site. Next year, we will start a new digital scrapbook together!
Thank you all for a fantastic school year. I wish everybody a fun-filled and safe summer and the best of luck next year. Stay in touch, through blogging and email. I look forward to seeing everybody (!) next year!
Regards and Happy Summer Blogging!
Mrs. McCormack

Thank you for a fantastic year.

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