Friday, May 17, 2024

Family Newsletter

 Dear Families,

Here is our week in review:

Social-Emotional Learning:

  • This week we continued to focus on ways in which we can show a growth mindset at school.  The students practiced using “the power of yet” to turn statements such as “I can’t do it” into more positive statements such as “I can’t do it yet”.  They practiced how they can “train their brains” into approaching challenges with patience, resilience and a positive attitude.   They learned that effort and a positive attitude can go a long way.

  • We had another restorative circle with Ms. Nicole this week too.  This time, the students learned more different problem-solving skills and the difference between big problems and small problems. We read the book “I don’t care” by Julie Fogliano to learn more about things that matter in a friendship and things that do not.  Ask your child to explain more.

You Can: 

  • You can support your child’s growth mindset at home too.  Some of the skills we worked on in the last couple of weeks were:

  1. Training your brain to try different things

  2. Mistakes lead to new learning

  3. I can’t do it yet, but with effort I can!

Consider encouraging your child to use strategies to self-regulate when things get hard and/or boring.  For example, if your child cleans up his/her room, encourage your child to choose a strategy before you step in and co-regulate.  Ask your child to count down from ten and then try again, or how about encouraging your child to do some belly breathing before resuming the task.  It is crucial for young learners to experience moments of small frustrations in order to grow into confident and resilient students.


  • I started end-of-the-year reading assessments this week.  The students are showing growth in all areas of reading and they take great pride in their hard work and efforts.  I am so proud of them all.

You can:

  • Daily reading is important.  Consider making a family plan for how your family can support daily reading even over the summer.  Your child has worked hard this school year but reading skills can easily be lost without repetition and practice.  Be on the lookout for local summer library programs and consider creating daily reading expectations for your child.  In my family, for example, we did daily reading together as a family when my children were young.  During this time, I would read too. I would read my own “just right” books.  It is important for young readers to see the adults in their lives read and enjoy literature too.  Let me know how I can help.


  • This week, first grade authors finished up their opinion writing.  They also helped organize old (and new) writing in their scrapbooks. They are excited to share their pieces with you at our Celebration of Learning.

  • Next week, first grade authors will start writing poetry.  Stay tuned!  Our poetry unit is usually engaging and popular.


  • This week, first grade mathematicians continued to practice  perseverance and resilience in small groups, whole class work and during independent working time.

  • First grade mathematicians explored fractions and geometric shapes through games and activities.  They also had opportunities to add and subtract numbers together in groups of tens.  Ask your child to explain how they used the rekenrek to add/subtract numbers.

  • This week, first grade mathematicians continued to build their understanding of 2-and 3-dimensional shapes and their corresponding attributes.  They also learned to use that understanding while exploring fractions.  In first grade, mathematicians learn about equal parts of a whole.  They folded various paper shapes into halves and fourths (quarters) to manipulate equal parts of a starting whole.  They did great.  The students look forward to sharing their fraction booklets with you at our Celebration of Learning on June 6th.

  • Next week, first grade mathematicians will participate in end-of-the-year assessments and they will continue to build a deeper understanding of geometric shapes.. 

News and Reminders:

  • There is no school on Monday, May 27th (Memorial Day)

  • Harmony House will host an end-of-the-year Celebration of Learning on Thursday, June 6th between 7:35-8:35.  Families are invited to visit our classroom to celebrate their child’s outstanding work in reading, writing, and math.  We look forward to seeing you then. This is an informal event so please feel free to drop by anytime that morning between 7:35-8:35 am.  Your child will show you around the classroom and parents will take home special pictures and writing pieces.  Thank you.

Have a great weekend,


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