Friday, May 24, 2024

Family Newsletter

 Dear Families,

Here is our week in review:

Social-Emotional Learning:

  • This week, the students explored problem-solving steps and how to navigate different conflicting emotions and solutions.  The students learned about the importance of clearly understanding the situation and exploring the different consequences for each solution.  They practiced keeping small problems small while picking solutions that make sense for them and the situation.  We played a game called “In the river, on the bank” too to act out the importance of self-control and flexibility while listening actively.

  • We also discussed the importance of having safe bodies at school and showing a growth mindset.  We have noticed that many of our young learners are in a “summer mindset” already.  Many students run in the hallways and common areas and easily give up during academic learning times.  Please talk to your child about the importance of persevering through the last few weeks of school.  Thank you.


You Can: 

  • You can support your child’s problem-solving steps at home too.  Encourage your child to follow the steps at home too.  Here is a visual from the Second Step curriculum that summarizes our approach to problem-solving at home.  Young learners respond well to clearly stated structures.  These steps help your child build confidence and independence as a problem-solver.  These steps also help your child match reactions to the problem. Small problems have small reactions.  Big problems have bigger reactions. 


  • This week, first grade readers continued to read a variety of books and decodable texts.  We listened to some stories online too because the students filled the classroom buzzy jar.  

  • We started our poetry unit.  This week, the students listened to a variety of poetry and created a classroom anchor chart with observations about this type of writing.  Ask your child to explain.

  • I continued to administer end-of-the-year reading assessments.  We check for fluency, decoding, phonics and sight word automaticity.  

You can:

  • Daily reading is important.  Consider making a family plan for how your family can support daily reading even over the summer.  Your child has worked hard this school year but reading skills can easily be lost without repetition and practice.  Be on the lookout for local summer library programs and consider creating daily reading expectations for your child.  In my family, for example, we did daily reading together as a family when my children were young.  During this time, I would read too. I would read my own “just right” books.  It is important for young readers to see the adults in their lives read and enjoy literature too.  Let me know how I can help.


  • First grade authors wrote poetry this week.  They created acrostic poems reflecting describing words for themselves.  They will share these poems, along with many more, at our “Celebration of Learning.”


  • First grade mathematicians participated in the high-leverage math assessments this week.  This is an end-of-the-year math assessment given to all first graders in our district.  This math assessment reflects some of the more important number sense concepts learned throughout the year, such as adding and subtracting and using place value.  The students also showed their thinking in math story-problems.

News and Reminders:

  • There is no school on Monday, May 27th (Memorial Day)

  • I will continue my literacy assessments on Tuesday, May 28th so the students will have a guest teacher.  Please talk to your child about the importance of following the group plan and showing respect to all adults at ABS. It can sometimes be tricky with a new teacher in the room, especially when coming back from a long weekend. Thank you.

  • Harmony House will host an end-of-the-year Celebration of Learning on Thursday, June 6th between 7:35-8:35.  Families are invited to visit our classroom to celebrate their child’s outstanding work in reading, writing, and math.  We look forward to seeing you then. This is an informal event so please feel free to drop by anytime that morning between 7:35-8:35 am.  Your child will show you around the classroom and parents will take home special pictures and writing pieces.  Thank you.

Have a great long weekend,


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