Saturday, April 18, 2020

Family Newsletter

Dear Families,

Congratulations! We've officially navigated the first week of remote learning and everyone deserves a pat on the back !

Thanks for all of your support during this transition and thank you for helping your child get online to participate in our google meets and online learning activities.  I love watching their videos and reading their responses on seesaw.

As I mentioned in our whole-class google meet this morning, I strongly encourage students to take a break from SeeSaw and screen time next week. Instead, I hope you and your family will go outside, explore nature and do things together that does not require a device or any electronics.

I would like to invite students to participate in the Egg Drop Challenge, if they would like to! This engineering task is completely optional, and just for fun! 

Please see the wonderful resource for other fun and engaging activities to do together. This guide to play was compiled by a fellow educator and parent. 

Lastly, I wanted to share some of the wonderful posts made by students on seesaw this week.  Enjoy our seesaw blog!  Click here (I emailed the password to you)

I will be taking a break from my laptop/email and will be back in touch on Sunday, April 26th with an updated remote learning schedule for the week of the 27th. Have a wonderful week!


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