Friday, September 4, 2020

Welcome back to school!

 Dear Families,

We are so excited to welcome you back to school next week!  We are busy setting up our classrooms to adhere to our new social distancing guidelines and look forward to seeing all the children in person!

School will look very different this year as you know.  This letter will help outline some of the new protocols to help us start the school year together.  Please know that things change often, sometimes daily, and we are all doing our best to make sure your child can come to school and feel safe while engaging in learning with peers.  We will communicate with families via email weekly.  While we are co-teaching at school, we will communicate a little differently with each grade level.  Mrs. Benoit is the primary contact person for second grade, while Mrs. McCormack will be the contact person for first grade.  We hope this will help stream-line communication.  For example, Mrs. McCormack will post the newsletter on the classroom blog, which is always linked at the bottom of her email so families can easily find it at any time.

We hope to email a weekly team newsletter, outlining some of the things we focused on during the two days together while at school and explain what the overarching goals are for the upcoming week for remote learning.  Before our first day of school, however, you will be hearing from me a little more often. For example, I will share my remote learning schedule as well as the in-person schedule with you in another email in the next few days. 

There are many new procedures to plan for before the first day of school.  Here is another copy of our informational letter so you and your child can get ready and arrive prepared on the first day of school.

Please make sure that any changes in your child’s dismissal plans must be emailed to all the following people:    (Laura Gigliotti in our front office)    (Lori Saladino who is helping with attendance and dismissal)

This is to make sure all staff involved in Harmony’s dismissal changes are informed.  If you need to make a sudden change please make sure you dial Lori Saladino directly and speak to her (ie it is not enough to leave a voicemail).  Lori’s extension is 6261. If she is not available, please call the front office and speak to Ms. Gigliotti.  Since I am with the children, I might not get the voicemail or email on time.  Thank you.

Please also make sure that you include our school nurse in all communication with the school if your child is sick and needs to stay home.  Her email is

Nurse Love also shared some helpful posters/articles for families and children as we navigate this pandemic.  These are very helpful and address wearing a mask at school.  I hope you and your family will explore these.

Wear a Mask

Masks and PPE

If you want more school-related information, please visit the CVSD Reopening Site.

If you did not already hand in your child’s computer contract, signed and dated, it will be in your child’s backpack on Tuesday along with all the other parent informational sheets about school and the worksheets for your child’s first two days of remote learning. Stay tuned for more information in a couple of days.

Thank you for taking the time to read all of this.  We hope this will help you and your family prepare for the first couple of days of school.  We will send another letter explaining the schedules and student work-pages and materials in the next few days.  

Thanks for supporting our hybrid model.  Don’t hesitate to contact me iif you need additional information.


Maria, Justine and Carah

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